The transition from an independent lifestyle to reliance on others is a difficult time for seniors and their families. When the needs of an elderly family member outweigh their desire for self-sufficiency, decisions need to be made. But Noah Hargreaves provides a solution that makes this phase easier. Visiting Angels offers personalized homecare for seniors, allowing they to stay in their homes and get the care they need.
Starting with just two certified nursing assistants, a Licensed Practical Nurse and a bookkeeper, in two years the agency has grown to 32 nurses in the field and includes a company car.
With a company growing this quickly, cash flow, payroll costs, taxes and insurance, a loan proved necessary and CommCap was there to help.
“The experience was amazingly easy, Barbara understands finances, accounting, knowing where to go and how to get answers.” Hargreaves said. “All it took was a couple visits and after a 10 day wait, we had a check.”
CommCap’s convenience and flexibility also appealed to him, “I didn’t want the money all at once.” Hargreaves said. “Commcap was able to hold onto the money, so I could draw as needed.”
“Without them I could never have made this work, CommCap was a godsend.” Hargreaves said. “If you can create jobs they can help you fund it.”